Boost your website’s Google Ranking

Have you ever thought of what can a website be in itself if it is not well made? Not only a bad design will turn away your target audience, but also the making the Search Engines turn away if they don’t find the code and flow of the website well made.

Vdezine takes into consideration, all the major points which are required to make an intelligent website which looks attractive to it’s users and also easily crawlable by major search engines.

We have listed a few of these points to educate our clients on what we do and how we do it.

Make sure that your web pages are crawlable by all search engines

Any Search engines has the capability of indexing the content of the page only if it written in simple HTML tags. If you create any fancy scripts or images to show the important content for the pages, it is of no use. A good way of making the content of the page visible to Search Engine crawlers is to keep is simple and lay bare.

In order to make sure that search engines can index our page content, we should use plain text and easy to follow text links or HTML buttons on our pages.

The content and navigational links in the web pages which are readable by users should also be easy to parse by search engine robots. We should always use simple stylesheets through CSS files and regular HTML tags and never hide the content in Flash or JavaScript.

Use responsive web design

From April 21, 2015, Google has started indexing ‘mobile first’ pages better than older versions of the web pages. The rule is that a web page should look good on mobile devices, mobiles and tablets along with desktops and laptops. The only way to do is to create a Responsive design for a website.

A Responsive web design means that the look of the web page changes automatically based on the size of the browser window or the medium on which it is opened. The design has to be fluid so that the page automatically takes the shape of the device. This is done through CSS styles and media queries.

We can also create websites through CMS (content management system) such as WordPress to create web pages. The CMS has readymade themes or templates which can be installed and they are all responsive in nature.

Any web page which looks good on mobile devices will always get a better ranking in Google’s search results compared to websites which are not meant for mobile devices.

Use an easy-to-understand website navigation

A good website which is easily navigable by users for searching what they have come to your website is always better ranked by search crawlers too. The categorization of pages or products/services should be done in a simple way so that not only the user but the search engine crawler can also look for categories and their sub-categories easily.

The navigational elements on your web pages should use texts that make it clear what the linked content is all meant for. It becomes easier for search engines to rank your pages for that topic. For example, if a category on your website is about ‘Black ties’, link to the product page with the words ‘Black ties’ in the menu will make the navigation easy for users as well as crawlers.

We should also use a folder structure in our website which makes it easy to understand what the pages are about. For example, we should list all the pages which deal with the different variations of black ties in a directory with the name ‘/brown-ties/’.

Fast loading pages are good for the user experience

A few people also say that say that the performance of a website is a major ranking factor in search engines. This holds true in a way that a good website or page is one which loads fast on the browser and the user doesn’t have to wait too much to see all the content in the page. The user’s patience is very limited for slow loading pages and they can quickly switch to your competitor’s website. Though it won’t improve the ranking of the website much it obviously attracts larger audience which in turn enhances the page ranking.

There are many more factors that influence the position of your web pages on Google and other search engines. Try our On-page and Off-page optimization services under our Search Engine Optimization package and see how the business grows and leads start flowing in your mailbox!!

Call us at 9818103878 and we will make sure that you get the right optimized website for your business!!

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